The Withdrawal~

It all drained out of me;
The words and vigor
And I stood shivering in the wind,
Painting paleness on my walls

I lost the voice that spoke
These weary sighs that remain
And I kept talking to myself,
Latching the lips with perpetual muteness

I am lost in this barren land
Waving to the wandering wind
And I am staring at the fume ahead,
Swirling out of the burning words

I returned those armors
That covered my delicate senses
And I lay staring at the silent sky,
Blotted, bitten & bruised

I surrendered those wings
At the end of the battle
And I am stood on the deck,
Feeling the touch of a rope around the neck!



Brian Miller said...

yikes...but words you found yet to tell the tale...find your wings again, and fly...

me ra said...

Am I not hearing you say: Don’t try to fix me, I am not broken..

And ~ It’s a new world, It’s a new start…

There's still wonders waiting for you, in life's store! Stay back.. & smile!

Wondering how you added those beautiful songs...Though have been reading this, hearing them for the first time...

Sam Liu said...

This is a wonderful poem, my favourite line is, "painting paleness on my walls". So poignant, so chillingly beautiful.

Ektara said...

"Out of my ashes
will rise a new phoenix!!"

Strengthen your frail wings…
Snatch your magical words… they can never abandon you….
Wear your new armor, your mind’s eye…
A whole new world is awaiting you!!!

Nice poem :)

പകല്‍കിനാവന്‍ | daYdreaMer said...

!! <3

Gail said...


Powerful words - desperate and raw - from the depths of your being. I understand. As you know I am in hte thick of a healing challenge - one painful step at a time. I feel good in asking you to walk with me.

Love Gail
peace and hope.....

Rose Marie Raccioppi said...

It is only when SPIRIT and SELF are abandoned that oppression can take hold. Upon wings of FAITH we are to soar. Daunting echoes of voices other than those that arise from the LOVE within HEART are to be silenced. Your TRUTH bears witness.

Much love on to you,
Rose Marie

jublke said...

I love the first stanza, but I do hope that you are feeling better now. :)

Cinderella said...

"...Latching the lips with perpetual muteness.."

A very striking expression.

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